Spring Equinox – Summer Solstice – Autumn Equinox – Winter Solstice –
Celebrating Life, Love Unity and Equality as we Shamanic Trance Dance To Raise Our Consciousness!

We are strong and powerful, its time to be the change!
So Lets DANCE!
These events are completely free Just click on the videos Below!
Held By Zelia Pye
It takes 144,000 people to lift up the consciousness of humanity.
let’s be the change we wish to see!
Lets raise our vibration by DANCING!
Spring Equinox – 21st March
Summer Solstice – 21st June
Autumn Equinox – 21st September
Winter Solstice – 21st December
When you have your bandanna and space prepared (see instructions below) and your Ready to Trance Dance Click on the play button to begin the Dance! ENJOY!

These events are Free for everyone!
To participate you will need:
~ An internet connection.
~ Video / Music playing device – laptop, phone or tablet. that can be plugged into a sound system or headphones.
~ A bandana / eye mask (if you don’t have one you can use a scarf, or buy a Shamanic Trance Dance bandana in our shop that has been designed especially for this dance).
Click Here to view / buy bandana
~ A private space to dance on a rug, mat or sheepskin. Make sure all furniture or objects in the room, are at a safe distance away from your dance space for safety, as you will be wearing a bandana while dancing.
Note: you do not need a large space to dance, just big enough to comfortably move around on one spot. Important: Please make sure you will not be disturbed by other people during the entire event.
~ Cushions to put in front of objects that you could potentially bump into.
~ A blanket at hand for extra warmth.
HEART FELT GRATITUDE for electing to participate! We are the ones we have been waiting for!
Zelia is really looking forward to welcoming you, by the fire, in The Mother ship Tipi!

The Whirling Rainbow Prophesy …..

When the time of the White Buffalo approaches, the third generation of the ‘white eyes’ children will grow their hair and speak of love as the healer of the children of Earth. These children will seek new ways of understanding themselves and others. They will seek the Elders of the red race and drink of their wisdom. These white eyed children will be a sign that the ancestors are returning in white bodies, but are red on the inside. They will learn to walk the Earth Mother in balance again and reform the ideas of the white chiefs. These children will be tested as they were when they were red ancestors by unnatural substances like firewater to see if they can remain on the Sacred Path. The generation following the flower children will see the dawning of the 5th world of peace, the Fifth World like a wobbly pony, would try to use its legs, the wobble would be felt by the Earth Mother and changes occur in the soil and waters. Inside the children of Earth, the wobble creates rolling emotions and feelings that brings the quickening and the remembering. Colourful dreams will be brought into the sleeptime and Dreamtime dreams of these newborn Warriors of the Rainbow and they will begin to learn how to walk in balance. The changes in our Earth Mother will create fear in her children, which will later lead to the understanding and unity of One Planet-One People. The Whirling Rainbow will appear in the form of a Sun Dog, The Sun Dog is a full rainbow circle around the sun that has bright white lights at the Four Directions. Many Sun Dogs will be seen around the time of the White Buffalo, which will be the sky language sign that the secret and scared teachings are to be shared with all races. Enough of the children of Earth will be awakened to carry the responsibility of the teachings and the healing process will begin in full swing. Many will remember their purpose for being on this Earth, and will learn to develop their gifts and assist humanity. Truth will shatter the bonds of separation and goodness will prevail. The Whirling Rainbow brings peace through understanding that all races are one, unity of all colours and creeds working together for the good of the whole. When all pathways to wholeness are respected by all cultures the prophesy of the Whirling Rainbow will be completed.
Whirling Rainbow, giver of Life, Through your cleansing rains, Uniting all colours, the Children of Earth, will walk in peace again.
Whirling Rainbow prophesy, Your warriors now arise, Sisters and Brothers in harmony, Your light in their eyes.
Whirling Rainbow, Touch our hearts, We will surely fly, Never lonely or apart, Our whirling colours in the sky. By Jamie Sams
What is the 5th world of illumination?
We have been in the 4th world of separation for the last 2000 years or so, where we’ve been experiencing ourselves as separate, from all other living beings and from the divine original source of the universe. The 4th world was brought about by a world cataclysmic event, that brought the previous 3rd world of water to an abrupt end by a great flood. This separated the original land mass (sometimes referred to as turtle Island) and created the divided continents we know today.
In the beginning there was the 1st world of love, where we lived in harmony with all living beings for a very long time. However during that world we also discovered greed and fear. As a result the 1st world came to an end in order to cleanse and purify the world and begin anew, after which the second world of ice was born.
The earth has experienced many cycles, ages and 4 world’s. Each time the previous world has come to an end because of human greed. We have been given an opportunity to wake up from separation, greed and fear consciousness, in order to prevent another major cataclysmic event. The 5th world of illumination is the birth of a new world where the veils of illusion are being lifted from our eye’s and we are able to see the true values that uphold life. Values that assure the continuation of all life as equal and integral to each other.
In solidarity, as a people let us live and act with kindness, love, compassion, respect, humility, dignity and generosity, in this way we create a New World of Illumination on Earth.
It is foretold that the 5th World of Illumination with bring a millennia of peace.
Whirling Rainbow – Shamanic Trance Dance Online Events with Zelia:
Summer Solstice – Autumn Equinox – Winter Solstice – Spring Equinox
Celebrating the Powerful Moments Within the Year DANCING FOR LIFE, LOVE UNITY AND EQUALITY!