11th – 28th October 2024
22nd September – 7th October 2025
Full Nature Immersion
with Zelia Pye
The invitation ……. It’s just You .. And Mother Nature …. held in the arms of The Great Mystery!
The Vision Quest is a really powerful way to find clarity and open up to the true vision of your life. By immersing oneself in pure nature everything within ones life, naturally comes into balance. Mother Nature is such an amazing, healer, teacher and wise counselor. To sit with her for a long time without distraction, is incredibly rewarding and opens up renewed life and magical path ways.…Zelia Pye
When we sit in silence in pure nature with all distractions removed, surrounded by our heart felt prayers. We enter the stillness of the Great Mystery and from that place, we can perceive the messages, wisdom and teachings that lay hidden inside every leaf, stone, flower, tree, insect, winged ones and 4 legged’s.
Mother Nature is so full of wisdom and is so willing to help us find the way back to ourselves All she asks is that we become willing to surrender and allow her to show us the way. Within the stillness we are able to hear her instruction, remember and awaken our inner ancient wisdom.
This is our birth right given to us by every living thing, which contains within it, the divine spark of the Creator.
For many thousands of years before the modern world came into existence. The ancient peoples, shaman, medicine men and women, would vision quest in nature for days alone with nothing but an animal skin for protection, as a way to speak with the Great Creator Spirit of all life and receive Vision and Instruction.
Deep insight into ones personal life journey can be gained during a vision quest. The time given for contemplation can bring many revelations about a persons gifts, talents, abilities, purpose and story. Bringing the opportunity to further ones self in the realm of self-realisation and transformation.
The Vision Quest Is an opportunity to put ‘ones steps in order’.
Zelia presents the opportunity for you to vision quest in the magnificent mountains of North East Spain held on her land at a Tribal Hearts Tipi Camp.
The Total Duration of your Vision Quest stay has different phases comprising of 3 stages – pre-vision quest – time for preparation. The vision quest it’s self – sitting on the mountain, and after vision quest – time to recoup and integrate your experience.
Beautiful Bell Tent accommodation and all meals are provided during the preparation and recuperation phase. (All incuded in the price)
We work diligently, practically and spiritually, to ensure participants are given strong support and nurturing during the entire 2 weeks of our Vision Quest.
The Vision Quest is ideally a four year commitment, in order to honor and complete the full cyclical process of the Medicine Wheel and receive the full benefit of the teachings. However we understand that its hard to make that kind of commitment before completing the first year, so we advise coming to do your first year and taking further decisions and commitment from there.
The first year is a 4 day vision quest.
The second year is a 7 day vision quest.
The third year is a 9 day vision quest.
The forth year is a 13 day vision quest.
Price £747 per vision quest for shared tipi accommodation. Non refundable deposit of £250 is required to reserve your place.
Price £797 per vision quest for single tipi accommodation. Non refundable deposit of £250 is required to reserve your place.
Prices are all inclusive of 16 nights stay, vision quest, ceremonies, integration period, Beautiful Bell Tent accommodation, meals and drinks. (Price does not include travel expenses)
Places are very limited so early booking is essential!
Click Above and follow payment procedure to secure your place and pay the non refundable deposit. The remaining fee is due 3 months prior to start date. Once Payment has been made you will receive an email with confirmation details, travel and what you need to bring information.
Arrival is on the start date 11th October, the retreat begins the following day, departure is on the final date 28th October 2024
If you have any questions or would like to talk it though, Zelia welcomes you on a FREE VIDEO CALL Click Here to arrange a call
The Vision Quest has been designed for those, who wish to go up the mountain, to be in full nature immersion, contemplate and raise their prayers. As well as for students, who would like to further their training to work with the Sacred Tobacco and Prayer Ceremony and the Temazcal / Sweat Lodge Training.
Continued online support is available in between yearly Vision Quests as you continue to integrate your experience and gain new insights. check out Zelia’s ONLINE GUIDANCE AND MENTORING Sessions for more info.
Come and Support the Vision Quest
We welcome people who would like to come and support the powerful prayer of the Vision Quest. There is much to be accomplished, many jobs to do, to make it possible for the vision questers to sit on the mountain. This is an amazing opportunity to work together as a tribe, learn new skills and live for a time in the sacred space that this prayer creates.
In gratitude for those who come in support we provide, all meals, drinks and accommodation.
To Join the Support Team Click Here to contact Zelia
Click here for Travel information to Tribal Hearts Tipi Camp.
The Shamanic Trance Dance School
Website written by Zelia Pye content and Logo Copyrighted © 2018-2019 Zelia Pye