
Friday 15th January

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for guiding us to this sacred land, So much gratitude that we find ourselves in this sacred stone circle, Records of a distant past, Of Ancient ancestors, Gathering in ceremony, Connecting to the

Thursday 14th January

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for all the wild places In the forests, mountains, and seas, Giving thanks for the wildness within For the liberation of being, for our untamed self, Giving thanks that some times we can

Wednesday 13th January

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for meetings with remarkable people, Giving thanks that deep within the heart of many souls there is a great stirring, A remembering of an ancient mystery, A feeling of a magical vision, A

Tuesday 12th January

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks today for presenting us with beautiful synchronicity’s, That weave the magical web of life together, Thank you for let’s us know that we are moving in the right direction, Giving thanks for all

Monday 11th January

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for the cleansing and bright new energy after the rain, Giving thanks for blue sky’s and sun shine, Giving thanks for the rainbows that fill the sky, Giving thanks for the radiance of

Sunday 10th January

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for rolling green hills and the rain that falls, Giving thanks for the winter trees bare and sleeping, Giving thanks for the cosy fire, Bringing warmth and light to heart and home, Giving

Friday 8th January

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks today for my life, Giving thanks for my parents for the life they have given me, their love and suport, Giving thanks for my beloved and Tom for his purity of heart, love,

Thursday 7th January

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for our home, for our place of rest and comfort, Giving thanks that we have a place to lay our heads, to feel protected and safe, Praying today for all those people in

Tuesday 5th January

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks today for the four directions, May my mind be humble, my spirit willing and my heart sincere, May I integrate all these things so that I walk in beauty, wisdom and grace. Aho