Spring is in the Air! Time to shake off winter dreaming and create new pathways. Begin planting the seeds and intentions for all that you wish to work with and manifest this year.
It’s the time of year to ask yourself, where do you need to put your energy for your gifts, talents and creativity to grow and blossom. Shamanic Trance Dance helps us to become clear and to powerfully energise our intentions, to dance them into life, as well as remember our wisdom and inner knowing along the way.. ..
Come and Dance ….Create…. and set the tone for the year ahead by Shamanic Trance Dancing with me, on the New Moon and Full Moon this month as the New Season of Spring Begins. Plant your dream seeds as we dance with Clan Mother “Weighs The Truth”, who comes to help us to balance and harmonize. Mother nature is reminding us of how important it is to live in balance, as day and night reflect each other in perfect symmetry at this time of year.
NEW MOON Shamanic Trance Dance
We Dance on the New Moon Saturday Night 13th March 2021
with Zelia LIVE ONLINE In the Mother Ship Tipi
Follow the link to sign up now: https://shamanictrancedance.global/shamanic-trance-dance-with-the-moon/
Here’s a little Feed back from a regular Shamanic Trance Dancing Sister……’Shamanic Trance Dancing with the Moon and the 13 Clan mothers helps me remember my place in the great circle of life. Your offerings hold strong medicine for our times! I’m so grateful for these dances.’
Come and discover the magic of this ancient and powerful dance, as we dance to awaken and remember our divine cosmic selves… Take your place in the universe and Let the dance begin!!!
I am so looking forward to welcoming you in the Mother Ship Tipi On Saturday Night!!!

New Moon Blessings Zelia