Evolving from the ancient wisdom of shamanism, Shamanic Trance Dance is a powerful and profound blindfolded dance.
The shamanic trance dance ritual Incorporates a dynamic blend of natural and spontaneous movement, percussive rhythms, healing sounds, energising fire breath and focused intention.
Under the cover of the darkness found when wearing the blindfold, one is able to let go fears around self image and inhibitions. The inner space that covered eyes creates, gives permission to dance and move freely in privacy even though there are other participants dancing in the room.
During the ritual Zelia and her trained guides and guardians ensure the safety of the group while wearing the blindfold.
A focused personal intention or prayer, initiates the tone of the individuals shamanic trance dance journey. Prayer and intention have long been central to the ceremonies and rituals found in all traditions of shamanism.
The intention can come in the form of important life questions for example:
Who am I ?
Where do I come from?
Why am I here?
What does the future have install for me?
Your intention can also be something that you would like to receive in your life for example: self love, greater confidence, clarity, trust, self empowerment, inner truth, insight into a particular area of your life or relationship, healing of a deep wound or a particular health or emotional problem.
Or you may wish to focus your intention to initiate a new project, or gain insight about the steps you need to take in order to manifest a vision or dream.
Your intention can be anything, that you sincerely need Help with, in any area of your life.
The breath of fire is a strong breathing technique designed to energise the body and enhance the senses. The fire breath aids in the ‘letting go’ of normal time and space, enabling one to more easily enter an ‘altered state’ or ‘non ordinary reality’.
The music played in the shamanic trance dance ritual makes you want to Dance!
The sounds are akin to the rhythms found in shamanism. The specially formulated music is designed to evoke the body into movement, using percussive rhythms, tribal world music, ambient nature sounds and shamanic drumming.
The combination of these ancient techniques and additional innovations, brings the effectiveness of shamanism into a format for the modern world.
The dynamic synthesis of the shamanic trance dance ritual, held in a sacred space, creates the perfect ambiance, to be taken on a powerful inner journey into the sacred ‘Presence’.
Wherein from the perspective of shamanism exists all things: ideas, creativity, answers, past, present and future, in shamanic terms it is called the ‘dreamtime’ or ‘looking within place’ that dwells inside all of us.
It is here in the ‘dreamtime’ where it is possible to expand your perception, to perceive what is the truth for your life, empowering you to navigate and make decisions that are in perfect harmony with your genuine self, Inspiring a journey of self-discovery and exploration within the Great Mystery.
The Shamanic Trance Dance ritual process and techniques invoke a trance like state provoking a dynamic process of awakening and remembering.
Ancient ancestors, medicine men, shamans and priestresses went into ‘trance’ as a way to contact the ‘spirits’ and speak with the ‘Creator’ to evoke and inspire their strength wisdom and beauty.
Be assured you can be at peace and feel relaxed during either an online or in person event, you will be well supported and held by Zelia or one of her fully qualified shamanic guides and guardians, enabling you to let go and thoroughly enjoy your shamanic trance dance journey experience.
The rewards of taking part are, an expansion of perceptive and awareness, clarity and deep insight. Experience spirit as an intelligent life force, find your own answers, heal and transform issues and blockages. Receive revelations and realisations, open up inner worlds and discover the true nature of your being, and your ability to become an effective, positive creator of your own life and reality.
Shamanic Trance Dance opens the door within
Reawakens the voice of your heart and sets you free!
A warm welcome Awaits!
Come and Dance your DANCE Of LIFE!
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