
Wednesday 23rd February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for the green of Spring, And the budding potential in the air, Giving thanks for the possibility of finding soil to plant new life and grow strong roots, Giving thanks that we may

Tuesday 23rd February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for today for all the unseen kingdoms, Giving thanks for our spirit guides that dwell in the earth and sky, Giving thanks for all Mother Earths little helpers, Giving thanks for the guardians

Monday 22nd February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for Grandmother Moon, And the rising of her full silvery orb today, Giving thanks for her being, Giving thanks for all that she does, and continues to do in assisting our journey in

Sunday 21st February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for our ability to listen to our body’s wisdom, Giving thanks that we can create the space to honour our natural rhythms, Giving thanks that we can give our selves permission to be

Saturday 20th February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for our ability to be passengers, Giving thanks for helping us to let go of our desire to be in control, And be carried by the cosmic stream of life, Giving thanks for

Friday 19th February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for the flow of energy that comes when we are truly willing to give, Conditions create expectations, barriers, blocks and restrictions that prevent energy from flowing freely, Giving thanks Great Spirit for aligning

Thursday 18th February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for the strong breeze of brother wind, Giving thanks for showing us the importance of keeping our centre, When the wind and storms come are centre within is tested, When we are surrounded

Wednesday 17th February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery Giving thanks for the call of the eagle, Who reminds to quickly gain perspective when we are faced with so called problems, Eagle suggests that we take to the skies, Open our wings and fly,

Tuesday 16th February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for all the learning opportunities and colourful possibilities you are bringing into our lives each day, Giving thanks for giving us the eyes and heart to see that you present us with exactly

Monday 15th February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for our balance between Earth and Sky, Giving thanks our heart fire, Our sacred flame, The place where we centre within, Giving thanks for our inner rainbow of peace, Giving thanks for giving