
Tuesday 8th March

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for this special day of the lunar solar eclipse, Giving thanks for this unique opportunity to open ourselves To the universal vibrations that come to help us in our evolution, Helping us to

Monday 7th March

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks today for all the beautiful spring flowers That are beginning to pop up from out of the soil, Giving thanks for there bright colours, And the spirit of cheerfulness that they exude, Giving

Sunday 6th March

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for the four sacred colours, The yellow sun, that gives birth to each new day, The red blazing fire, that helps us keep our faith, The blackness of the night sky, that reveals

Friday 4th March

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for the primordial Earth energy, That signals the birth of creativity, And the buzzing of the birds and the bees At the beginning of the mating season, Giving thanks for our natural desire

Thursday 3rd March

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for clearing the way, Giving thanks for marking the route that helps us get to our destination with grace and ease, Giving thanks that we can have the courage to take the direct

Wednesday 2nd March

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for reminding us of the importance of daily Spiritual practices that help us stay centred, balanced, And keep us in the stream of divine alignment, without which we can flounder and lose our

Tuesday 1st March

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery Giving thanks for the moments in life when Giant leaps of faith are required and necessary for our evolution, Leaping into unknown territory, possibility and potential, Feeling the fear and leaping regardless! The fun part

Monday 1st March

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for the wonderful vista on top of the mountain, Giving thanks that we can enjoy the beauty of nature, And the magnificence of Mother Earths creations, Giving thanks for this light filled day!

Saturday 27th February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for our ability to let go the old paradigm and worn out ways of thinking, Giving thanks for ‘new paradigm’ inspiration that came today from Vicky and Philip Argyle, who affirm… ‘make choices

Friday 26th February

Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for deep dreaming sleep, Giving thanks to the call for quite restful time that stormy, rainy days bring, Time to journey within and contemplate, Time to recharge our batteries, Aho Mitakuye Oyasin