I have the greatest pleasure of announcing that my Partner Tom and I are getting married on May 27th !
We are having a traditional shamanic marriage ceremony at the Vision Quest in Spain, we have the great privilege of being married by medicine woman Carmen Vincente, Chief and Guardian of the Itzachilatian fires and altars of Ecuador.
The tradition of a tribal marriage ceremony involves the couple being wrapped together in a marriage blanket, that has been embroidered by the bride, and then tied together with a special rope made by the groom, the couple then circle around the sacred fire and blessed with prayers from a sacred chanupa . The scared fire is seen as the entire universe held by the feminine power and fertility of the moon.
We are very excited and busy making our preparations, I have been embroidering our marriage blanket throughout the winter and Tom is busy with his rope!
We are delighted to be celebrating our union with the vision quest family.