Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery,
Giving thanks and praise today to Father Sky, for bringing the light of day,
For bringing the rain beings that bestow the gift of life and quench our thirst,
For the wind beings that come from all directions, for the cloud beings and the thunder beings that carry your messages from the sky,
For the snow beings that convey the dreams of humanity in crystalline form.
Sending our gratitude to the Great Star beings, the ancient ones, the wise teachers, who watch over us and help us raise our vibration, thank you for reminding us of the that stars we are, and who we are becoming.
Calling Grandfather Sun, we send you are sincere love and appreciation for radiant golden light, for your of warmth and for helping all things grow.
Calling Grandmother Moon that lives in the sky, thank you for guarding the twilight hours, for protecting our sleep and showing us the ‘Dreamtime’.
Thank you Father Sky for all these wonderful things, for this new day, for your constance, for helping us to ‘see’ and know where we are going!
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin