ancient wisdom

A big Thank you to all who came to our rituals this weekend!

Really Giving thanks to all beautiful hearts that have shamanic trance danced with us over the last couple of days here in Ibiza. We have had a really amazing time diving deep into the dream time! Giving thanks for all

Shamanic Trance Dance In Ibiza!

I am delighted to be returning to Ibiza in a couple of weeks to hold Two shamanic trance dance rituals! Many thanks to Carli for inviting me again, I am looking forward to sharing the incredible Magic of this dance

Thank you for an amazing Shamanic Trance Dance Yesterday!

Giving thanks to all who came to the shamanic trance dance ritual yesterday in Glastonbury, Thank you for sharing your beautiful courageous hearts and lifting up your prayers in our sacred tobacco circle,  giving thanks for this sacred heart medicine.

Calling Brothers and Sisters of Brighton…. to come and Dance into the Dreamtime!

Calling Brothers and Sisters of Brighton…. to come and Dance into the Dreamtime! To the place where Great Spirit dwells and answers to life’s questions live, The place of vision, creativity and empowerment, Join us on a profound journey of

Special Shamanic Trance Dance This Sunday!

Whispers on the wind are calling brothers and sisters to come and join us this Sunday For a special Shamanic Trance Dance event in Glastonbury! Together we will lift up our prayers in the old sacred way and dreamtime dance

Shamanic trance dance ritual this Sunday!

I am very much looking forward to this Sunday’s Shamanic Trance Dance Ritual Sunday 31st July 2016 Southleigh Village Hall, Nr Honiton, Devon 12pm – 5pm A call… to dance and remember the wisdom of your ancient soul, To feel

Tipi Temple is up and sailing!

Our Tipi Temple Earth Ship has set sail in a beautiful field in Devon! For the next 5 weeks we look forward to welcoming friends old and new, as we open the door to the world of shamanic wisdom and

Message from the Grandmothers

The Grandmothers speak …. “Together with the Twelve of us, you make Thirteen ” Many times over the past few months the Grandmothers said to me, “This is the end of an era.” And though I didn’t really understand what

Tipi Temple hosts the Medicine Wheel

Are you feeling the call to spend some time in nature, connect with the elements, sit with sacred fire, dance with the earth beneath your feet and enjoy simple life for a few days this summer? The Medicine Wheel 5

Monthly Medicine

I love this ‘monthly medicine’ I found on ‘of the Wolves’ web site. March is a spiral by Lindsay Mack March is the end of a cycle. It’s a really, really big deal, and it’s going to feel pretty intense