
Thank you for an amazing Shamanic Trance Dance Yesterday!

Giving thanks to all who came to the shamanic trance dance ritual yesterday in Glastonbury, Thank you for sharing your beautiful courageous hearts and lifting up your prayers in our sacred tobacco circle,  giving thanks for this sacred heart medicine.

Special Shamanic Trance Dance This Sunday!

Whispers on the wind are calling brothers and sisters to come and join us this Sunday For a special Shamanic Trance Dance event in Glastonbury! Together we will lift up our prayers in the old sacred way and dreamtime dance

Shamanic trance dance ritual this Sunday!

I am very much looking forward to this Sunday’s Shamanic Trance Dance Ritual Sunday 31st July 2016 Southleigh Village Hall, Nr Honiton, Devon 12pm – 5pm A call… to dance and remember the wisdom of your ancient soul, To feel

Creating Shamanic Trance Dance Ritual in Glastonbury

I am currently visiting the magical lsle of Avalon, Glastonbury, enjoying the many colours of the streets , the smiling faces, and unusual fragrances well as the Autumn leaves. one of the best things I love about glastonbury is unexpected meetings