Shamanic Trance Dance Guide and Guardian Training
what participants have to say….
Testimonials 2019
I’m not sure if I have the ability to express in words what I experienced and received from Zelia during the training. Let me start with how I feel today, one week after getting home. Being with Zelia and her husband Tom makes me want to be the best version of myself I can offer each day. They set the example of what that can look like. Spending the days with them in their magical land in Spain was so transforming. I remember saying to Zelia while we were all sitting around a warm fire in the tipi, “I know that I’m in a tipi in Spain but I feel that I’m in a different world in a different time.” She smiled one of her big understanding smiles and her blue eyes sparkled and danced as if trying to express an inner secret. I’ve traveled the world and experienced many training’s and initiations. Never have I been so profoundly moved as my time with Zelia. Not only is she funny, beautiful, magical and charming but she also has depth. She walks with Grace and an open vulnerable heart. That said, she also owns her personal power and sets healthy boundaries which is so important. She teaches in an intelligent authentic manner. It felt to me many times that she is truly able to surrender to the divine teacher within and let it flow with ego out of the way. Most importantly she created a safe space for exploration, learning, healing and deep connection. I will never forget the other sisters in the training and hope to keep them in my life. Tom was the silent but smiling presence that remained vigilant to our comfort and needs. He prepared delicious meals everyday while also running to the store for us and taking care of our tech issues and so much more that I’m sure I didn’t see. I highly recommend this experience and training to anyone considering it. Trust me, this is one beautiful amazing tribe and family that you want to be a part of! Padma Wine.
My time at Tribal Hearts, was one of a kind. Thinking
11 years ago was my daughter’s hen night. Her friends had arranged to do a shamanic trance dance weekend with Zelia for the event. Since then I have under taken many shamanic courses, because I realised that that is where my heart lies. How excited I was to find that Zelia was doing Guide and Guardian training in her beautiful new home in the mountains above Barcelona.
What a perfect venue and location and what an international group of people! 3 hours drive into the mountains the estate is an island of tranquility. I immediately felt at peace the perfect state of mind to undertake such a journey into self.
I can not express what a perfect week we had. Her husband Tom cooked superb food and the experience of working with Zelia was amazing. This is not training for the faint hearted as we worked from sunrise to well after sundown, however when we went to bed in our teepees we were fulfilled both physically, mentally and emotionally.
Zelia is an inspirational woman and outstanding teacher – I can not recommend these courses highly enough. Suz Passaro
Testimonials 2018
Zelia is a truly wonderful and extraordinary teacher, most of what she transmits, she teaches without teaching as she deeply embodies the work she shares and genuinely walks in beauty. Being in her presence is truly inspiring and powerful – she creates a resonant field of energy that has tremendous healing power and allows one to soar to higher levels of consciousness. She has a rare and refined understanding of the inner dimensions and processes of the Soul and a beautiful ability of holding sacred space for others. In her wise and grounded presence I felt safe, guided and held – yet given enough space to stay in dialogue with my own process. Shamanic Trance Dance has been an infinitely liberating experience of letting go of everything while also becoming everything and moving as the pure raw pulse of life itself. Dancing through layers of conditioning, trauma and karma… all the way into the radiant and still center within, where deep peace, healing and wisdom resides. I didn’t know Zelia prior to doing the training and had only taken part once before in a shamanic trance dance. With her warm heartedness, kindness and humor she made me feel right at home from the first moment. Sitting in circle around the fire in her magical Tipi was a real feeling of homecoming! The training with Zelia has been one of the most profound and transformative experiences in my life that allowed for deep re-remembering to take place. She has been the catalyst for a quantum leap in the evolution of my consciousness and I will be eternally grateful to Zelia! I truly can’t recommend her enough! What an incredibly precious gift it is to give someone else an experience (and therefore an embodied understanding) that we carry the Cosmos within, with all its treasures! Thank you Zelia for your generosity and golden heart and for truly walking in beauty as a luminous being. Olivia Milani
I loved this training, and would gladly do it again! I prepared for this training by doing shamanic journeys and breathwork journeys quite intensively, and this helped me go deeper in the dance and is something I recommend . The training was fascinating, and Zelia is a wonderful teacher. I experienced so much deep deep healing, finding missing parts of my soul, release, bliss, affirmation and empowerment, I don’t really have the words to express how powerful this was and how grateful I am for it. I knew that the ritual was deep, but doing it intensively as we do on the training showed me just how potent it is. I felt so connected to nature, even Great Spirit, as the signs and synchronicities added a touch of magic to the journey and showed us the depths of the mystery we access in this work. It was incredibly beautiful to do this work with Zelia and with the amazing tribe who showed up, to do it in a tipi, on beautiful land in the Spanish hills, and to eat such delicious organic food straight from the land and made by Tom. I loved Shola, the resident wolf, and jumping in the cool pool after a hot dance was also a highlight. This training is nothing short of life-changing, and now I am doing the work and have the privilege of offering it to others, and I am so grateful for this. Nic Croll
I’m more than happy to attend the Shamanic Trance Dance Training with Zelia. This was not only a school for a guide and guardian, but also an intensive work on myself with great achievements. The dance as a ritual is known since ages and it so beautiful that we can reach back to our roots, and achieve so much through our own body movements and intentions. For me it seems, I have grown more and more through all the days and hours of the shamanic trance dance training into my fulfillment. The power of breath of fire and the dance allowed me to do great transformational work, also a big heart blockade was revealed and healed in one session! I received a lot of practical information and an abundance of inner knowledge. I left Tribal Hearts fulfilled and grounded with a proud feeling to be a part of this beautiful tribe! I would definitive recommend this course, not only to become a guide and guardian, but also to get personal achievements on every level. The shamanic trance dance is not only transformational work on ourselves, but also helps us to remember for who we are and how we can rise as humans! Blanka Kefer
Testimonials 2017
I traveled to tribal hearts tipi camp and Zelia’s training with no special expectation or even knowing exactly why. Just trusting to be guided by spirit. For months I had been in a very intense transformational process and sure looked very much forward to connecting with pachamama, my body and spirit through dance. Dance has always been medicine for me.
Well… I can say those 10 days have been intense and deep! Zelia is a real giver who walks her talk. Working our way through the process was a great inner journey with many insights and gifts. The experience was very strong and I sure integrated pieces of myself back into my being. Tom’s lovely presence and the homegrown fresh veggies from the garden were nourishing – shamanic trance dance really makes you hungry ;-). The 10 days were much more than “just another workshop or training”… I guess it has to be experienced, it’s hard to describe what it does to you…It’s all about showing and seeing who you really are – shine your light. I sure got the message that this dance will be my teacher. I’m humbled and deeply touched. As for the other participants and our hosts: We met as strangers and left as family…
Mitakuye Oyasin! Thanks from the bottom of my tribal heart! Beatrice Retour-a-soi
Zelia took me deep into the heart of the shamanic trance dance practice, generously sharing her hearth and home. A rare teacher who walks her talk, lives her prayers and cares deeply about sharing her knowledge. I highly recommend her as a teacher and a mentor. Mel West
I knew that doing the shamanic trance dance training with Zelia was the right decision I only met Zelia once though from this encounter I was touched by her passion and how she lives and breathes shamanism like no one I have met before.
The setting is beautiful and so organic there was even visits from eagles and vultures. The accommodation was pristine with so much attention to detail It was clear how much time and effort and time had gone into making my tipi feel like home for which it was. The food was delicious and fresh, the training was intensive yet refreshing with lessons for life and not just for becoming a shamanic trance dance teacher. I would highly recommend Zelia and her work to anyone, I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. Nick Vaggers
“ What a journey! I loved the depth, the wisdom and care in which Zelia held us on our inward journey through the Shamanic Trance Dance training. To immerse in 10 days of internal reflection and depth was so enriching, insightful and enlightening. I came away not just being able to create a wonderful space and journey for others but a way to go deeper into my own answers. Such a rich tapestry of exploration. I highly recommend this training with Zelia on a mountain side in Spain “ Kalindi Jordan
You know those experiences in your life that you’ll never forget? That are so deeply transformative that things will never be the same again, in a really good way? The Shamanic Trance Dance Guide and Guardian Training with Zelia is definitely one of those. I had no idea what to expect when I got on that plane for Spain, but it was as if every moment of our ten-day adventure was perfectly designed to push me to my edges, show up all the stuff I was ready to release, and give me the space I needed to grow into the new version of me that was ready to emerge.
Zelia walks her talk with real integrity, humour and love, and creates the most incredible sacred space within which Magic really happens, sharing her beautiful home, her wisdom and experience with us all so generously that by the end of our time together we all felt like family.
I simply can’t recommend this time with Zelia enough, and if you’re feeling called to this training, I am so excited for you! Corinne Williams
Testimonials 2015
Zelia’s Shamanic Trance Dance training was, for me, a perfect balance of external and internal preparation for holding sacred space for this important, transformative ritual. Zelia gave thorough and clear teachings, explanations, demonstrations and opportunities to practice in preparing ourselves as facilitators, and preparing the space. She combined this with facilitating trance dances and other ritauls through which I received great insight, guidance and healing to support the training. I found this humbling & essential to understanding the responsibility of holding sacred space. As always, Zelia’s passion for and commitment to her work was clearly evident and she delivered her teachings with great care and respect, enabling me to feel held and safe throughout, especially when the personal work became challenging. The small group worked well for me, giving ample time for discussion, sharing and integration, as well as down time around the fire. I feel confident that I am equipped and supported on all levels to take Zelia’s teachings forward, & look forward to being an active member of the expanding Shamanic Trance Dance community. Sarah Birdsall
‘I recently completed Zelia’s shamanic trance dance training. I experienced it as intensive (and intense), structured work to prepare me and the other participants – in inward and outward terms, so spiritually, personally and practically – to offer a three hour shamanic trance dance space to others.The training covered all aspects of holding a shamanic trance dance space in depth and with rigor. I feel a confidence after the training to offer the work myself and a sense of how powerful it is, both from the training and from my own practice of this work in the past few years. I have done many trainings in my life in many different disciplines, and this was the most personally demanding and arduous I have experienced so far – with laughter and companionship along the way. It was one of the most useful learning experiences of my life. Zelia, gave the five day training her all – she had considerable preparation work to do in addition to our work together as a group. I imagine she must have been utterly exhausted by the end of day 5 – and she maintained her focus and holding of our space with undiminished care and energies throughout. I have deep respect for Zelia’s work, and her passionate and whole-hearted commitment. I have worked with her for several years – her choice is to choose to train those of whom she already has a good sense. I know no one else who so entirely and consistently lives what she believes. That is founded on her spiritual belief and practice, and an ethic of service based on empowerment, not power – profoundly respectful of others’ needs for self determination and the sacredness of all life. Whilst I was aware of all of that before the training, those five days brought home to me the extent of that commitment and the depth at which Zelia offers herself to hold a safe, facilitating, empowering space for those who come to her dances. Her integrity and passion shine, and are inspiring to be around. I also have considerable respect for her choice to impart to us with generosity and without reserve the wisdom of her many years’ work, in order to create community and allow the work to radiate outwards for the benefit of all of us – an offering from the heart, empowering others, beyond the withholding’s and defences of ego.The values and qualities that support this work – presence, intention, awareness, a sense of the Sacred, gratitude, equality, humility, open-heartedness, authenticity, integrity and willingness – are the values and qualities Zelia embodies and models. I feel blessed to have had this opportunity to work with her and learn from her. Much gratitude. Lindsey Talbot
I am really giving thanks for crossing paths with Zelia and all that she has shared. I have been working with Shamanic Trance Dance with Zelia for two years after a deep personal journey involving training with Peruvian and Mexican Shamans. I learnt that healing of nature and spirit that was available to us, and always was. I was looking for some way to access similar deeper healing in the West and found it. The dance opened things in me and took me deeper into my personal journey. I felt a deep connection to this way of working and safely held and supported by Zelia. This allowed me to explore deeply. As I went deeper into workshops Zelia holds, I felt how she really shares the essence of her own learning and practice, by the way she lives and holds space. I find the dance as deep as a lot of the work I have done elsewhere and really accessible here in this part of the world. I knew deeply that my path was to create space for similar ritual and feel like Zelia responded through the spirit of life running through her and her big heart and shared everything in the training. She is really inspiring in the way she shares and is genuinely holding a space for the awakening of consciousness. In the training which is in depth and professional, space is held so we can truly connect to our individual needs and medicines and learn how to hold space. I received more than I imagined I would. I felt like everything I needed was given and that’s where I learnt the most, being inspired by someone who works directly with the spirit of life to gift what is needed to each individual as part of the whole. I am really grateful to Zelia for her dedication to the creation of sacred space and all the unseen effort and dedication she puts into her work. She holds a space in which you can empower yourself to do the work, sharing the guidelines of ancient tradition and her own personal experience. Whilst maintaining honour to the present community so we can support each other in the expansion of consciousness here on Earth. Zelia teaches by being a living example of someone in service to Great Spirit and Mother Earth and the energy of that radiates through her work. In the training I found deep personal healing and answers to some of the blocks in my path. I feel deeply inspired to continue. I’m feeling to share that Zelia really held me with true compassion, conscious being, open heart and genuine support and held space so well for me to bring myself back together after a near death experience. I received deep healing which made me feel whole again and confident to continue my own path of being a bridge to different realities. Giving thanks!!!! I feel like doing the training was being offered a doorway on my path, one which I honour and respect. I’m really grateful for all that she has shared, a true gift and I definitely intend to journey deeper with her and the Spirit of life . Thank you. Sitke
Find out more about becoming a Shamanic Trance Dance Guide and Guardian- Click Here
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