Advanced Soul Hunting Training To Work With Groups
With Zelia Pye
Dates to be confirmed
The Soul Hunting Ritual in a group context is very powerful and requires a strong leader to hold the energy and perform the ritual. This is very sensitive sacred work.
This advanced training will give students the capacity, depth of understanding and skills required carry out the responsibility of this very deep and profound soul work. Upon completion students will be given authorization to hold a Soul Hunting Retreat for groups.
This Training and initiation builds upon prior apprenticeship education. Thus enabling students to use the skills already gained, and continue to expand their knowledge and practice, by learning new elements specifically for group soul hunting ritual. Also included is how to hold group energy and dynamics and a powerful format for leading a Soul Hunting retreat incorporating Shamanic Trance Dance.
Soul Hunting is a very powerful ancient healing modality, that enables participants to find and bring back the lost soul parts in an empowered state of mind. This healing method has survived the ages, being passed down from one generation to the next because of its effectiveness. Continue to read more about Soul hunting….
The Advanced Soul Hunting Training for groups is a big responsibility and very deep work. This work requires commitment and willingness. Which is why students must have already completed the Shamanic Trance Dance Training, Shamanic Soul & Energy Healers Training for individuals and gained experience and confidence using the skills already acquired, before commencing on this training. Participation in Vision Quest is highly recommended.
This Training is educational, practical, thorough, intensive, and experiential. Zelia will share her wealth of skills, knowledge and experience on all that is involved in holding and conducting Soul Hunting for groups.
During the training, students will have the opportunity to develop new skills and abilities, further knowledge and understanding, practice and participate Soul Hunting and Shamanic Trance Dance rituals. All of this, culminating to prepare students to be able to fulfill their potential and responsibilities in holding a Soul Hunting retreat.
On completion of training, certification will be awarded enabling students to begin holding Soul Hunting with groups. The continued mentoring and supervision with Zelia is a requirement as students begin to hold groups and retreats, until skills and confidence as been honed.
The Shamanic Trance Dance Training and Shamanic Soul & Energy Healers Training is a prerequisite for the Advanced Soul Hunting Training. Participation in the Vision Quest is highly recommended.
Location: Tribal Hearts Tipi Camp – Spain
Each training has a maximum of 8 places.
Price all inclusive: £2,497
Non refundable deposit: £830
There are 2 places available for a single bell tent – Price for this option: £2,597 Non refundable deposit: £830
Both options include: training program, bell tent, accommodation, meals and drinks.
(Does not include flights and travel expenses) (participants need to bring their own sleeping bag.)
Click here for a video call with Zelia to find out more….
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