Now is the time for humanity to awaken from a deep slumber, time to remember who we are and why we are here.
Become part the fifth world community new paradigm,
Become agents of change ushering in the new age, the new time, the new world.
We can create change by focusing on all that is positive, creative and life giving.
By having the willingness to address the places within ourselves that need healing, we are able to release the old paradigms and patterns that no longer serves us and raise our vibration. In this way we become a living example for others, and can bring our attention to developing are innate gifts, talents, abilities and creating a world of beauty, love, peace and truth.
Shamanic Trance Dance brings forth the wisdom tools given by the ancients to develop ourselves and realise our full potential.
Our ancient ancestors lived in a time where we were more in tune and lived in harmony with nature,
They were given sacred ceremony’s from the ancient ones – The Star People to help them stay strong in their faith and walk in a sacred manor, since that time we have fallen off the Sacred path and have lost our way.
The ancient wisdom still lives and supports our journey of remembering how to walk in beauty and offers us suport, knowledge and the tools to step back onto the straight path of the heart.
Shamanic Trance Dance opens the gateway to reconnect with our ancient heritage
Using the tools ceremony and rituals that were intended for us, enabling us to for fill our individual and collective destiny……
….Life unity and equality for internity.