
Lammas celebration of the light of the sun and renewal.

Thank you to all the beautiful hearts that came and danced and journeyed into the dreamtime today in our shamanic trance dance ritual. We celebrated and honoured ‘Lammas’ the pagan festival of the First Harvest, a time of gathering in

Shamanic trance dance ritual this Sunday!

I am very much looking forward to this Sunday’s Shamanic Trance Dance Ritual Sunday 31st July 2016 Southleigh Village Hall, Nr Honiton, Devon 12pm – 5pm A call… to dance and remember the wisdom of your ancient soul, To feel

Ho Great Spirit- Prayer for Sunday 24th July!

Prayer of the day – Sunday 24th July, Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for the light that comes from the Sun, Giving thanks for the rain beings that come from the sky, Giving thanks for all the magic

Ho Great Spirit, Great Mystery….

Prayer of the Day – Wednesday 20th July Aho Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Giving thanks for the alchemy of love, Giving thanks that love makes all life thrive, Giving thanks that at the dawn of each new day We are

We loved Buddahfield festival 2016! Presenting Shamanic Trance Dance Rituals!

We have just arrived back home to our tipi after an absolutely fantastic time at Buddhafield festival! During our time at the festival the sun shone! Hooray! Surrounded by a forest of beautiful trees, we enjoyed 5 days of camping

Tipi Temple is up and sailing!

Our Tipi Temple Earth Ship has set sail in a beautiful field in Devon! For the next 5 weeks we look forward to welcoming friends old and new, as we open the door to the world of shamanic wisdom and

Message from the Grandmothers

The Grandmothers speak …. “Together with the Twelve of us, you make Thirteen ” Many times over the past few months the Grandmothers said to me, “This is the end of an era.” And though I didn’t really understand what

We made back to uk! And the sun is shining! Yay!

Feeling the Green! The green rolling hills are so alive with vibrancy, This island certainly has a beautiful display of mothers Earths bounty, We have arrived in Devon and are surrounded by lush, green, overflowing flora and fauna. We are

On the road! England here we come!

We are currently on the road driving up though France, after a wonderful and fruitful time in Catalonia Spain, we have enjoyed so many blessings, magical moments and treats! The sun is shining, it’s glorious weather and we are asking