The New Moon will soon be here again!
Join me in the Mother Ship Tipi,
around the sacred fire,
for this months Shamanic Trance Dance
New Moon – Live Online.
The New Moon is a perfect time to connect with Spirit, Tap into your inner wisdom, receive spiritual guidance and set your intention for the coming lunar month.
20th of July 2020

Each New Moon we are given the opportunity to focus on a new intention. To start life anew, let go of the old, the past and bring the wisdom from the things, we have learned into the present.
New Moon Energy is powerful, tapping into this energy can support your dreams and desires. We can harness the energy of the new moon to fulfill our visions and make our desires come true.
Please follow the link to sign up:
The event starts at 7pm UK time, 8pm European time, however if you live in a time zone that is incompatible with that time, or you can’t make the event, Zelia will send you a link to view the live recording after the event, so that you can still take part. Duration will be 2 to 2 1/2 hours.

I’ m really looking forward to dancing once again with this months Clan Mother, the 13 Original Clan Mothers are archetypal forces for each Lunar Moon and cycles of truth. They help us to re-connect and remember the ancient feminine wisdom inherent in all living things, that is rising in our consciousness once again!
Join me to dive deep into your inner wisdom and spirit intelligence with Shamanic Trance Dance!